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Online Registration Starts Now~~ 網路報名即日開始!

2020, ICTM Indigenous-Study-Group will be Announced its Initiation in Taiwan. Please Come Register and Join our First Symposium! [Online Registration has started on our Website] Let’s Carry the ICTM’s Mission for Ethnic Equality and Social Inclusion through Music and Dance from Various Indigenous Cultures in this World!

2020年,ICTM原住民研究小組將在臺灣宣布成立,歡迎您報名參加我們的第一屆論壇![網路報名已在官網啟動] 讓我們透過來自世界不同角落的原住民音樂和舞蹈,實踐ICTM所肩負的種族平權及社會公平使命!

Considering the global pandemic of COVID-19, the symposium will be held in either Present mode or Digital mode, or the Mixed version of these two mode, depend on the epidemic condition. The final resolution will be made around the middle of September and the LOC will spread an investigation sheet to each participant to know his/her specific condition. The "present-mode" meeting has a number limit of 100 people, and the registration will be closed when the amount is full (to be announce); the "digital-mode" meeting is not subject to geographical restrictions, but due to the technical restriction, will be limited to 300 people.  Furthermore, also due to this this unprecedented event in human history, the local committee members of Taiwan have decided to offer “Registration for Free” for all the participants. The Registration-on-line has been started on the official web. Please visit the official website of this symposium for the latest news and information. (Official Website of the Symposium)


The initiating members of ICTM study-group-in-the-making for Music and Dance in Indigenous and Postcolonial Contexts remain determined to realize our common goal of holding the first symposium despite COVID-19, since we are aware of what the initiation of this study group means to the preservation and development of indigenous cultures in this post-colonial era.  We would like to reassure too, you that the safety and health of every participant remains the deepest wish of the local committee members from Taiwan.


考慮到新冠肺炎大流行引起的全球不穩定現況,我們將於9月中旬依據新冠肺炎流行情況決定以「現場會議」、「視訊會議」或是兩種模式的「混合形式」來舉行此次論壇。同樣基於當今這史無前例的全球疫情,臺灣組委會決定:無論以任何形式參加本論壇,您將可以「免註冊費」全程參加:「現場會議」人數限制為100人,額滿即不接受報名(將於官網宣佈);「視訊會議」不受地域限制,但受制於數位技術,以300人為上限。線上註冊已於8月開始, 請至論壇官方網站以獲取最新會議消息。



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