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Bunun Cultural Association in Xinyi Township of Nantou County ​

  南投縣信義鄉布農文化協會所屬的明德部落,因為文化傳承的使命感,期許能夠將布農 族的音樂代代傳承,部落中的幾位耆老自發性地組成音樂展演團體,定期練唱,1999 年正式成立南投縣信義鄉布農文化協會,並組成「Lileh 之聲合唱團」

「Lileh」為現明德村布農族之舊部落名稱,意即為「菅蓁」,是當地居民應用在生活中 相當廣泛的一 種植物,以此為名,除取其生命力旺盛之意,更表現出合唱音樂在布農族 人生活中的重要性。

  「南投縣信義鄉布農文化協會 Lileh 合唱團」為臺灣少數獲頒為「國家級重要傳統藝術 保存團體」 之一,該團由南投縣信義鄉明德社區布農族人所組成,每位團員有著豐富的 演唱經驗與絕佳的音樂 默契,演出足跡踏遍荷蘭、比利時、法國、波蘭、日本等多國。


 The Bunun Cultural Association established the group in 1999 to officially promote and preserve pasibutbut and other ancient tunes of the Bunun. Consisting of mainly Bunun people from Ming-de community, the group has been led by several directors who also researched, collected, and taught traditional Bunun music. "Lileh” refers to Chinese silver grass in the Bunun language, which is a common plant used by indigenous Bunun communities. Lileh is also the old name of a Bunun tribe in Ming-de Village of Xinyi Township. The group adopted the name to express the vitality of silver grass.


 "Sound to Heaven - Lileh of Bunun Tribe” is a chorus group dedicated to preserving the Bunun's oral tradition of pasibutbut. Without flamboyant dance and music, the group has brought the most primeval and pure sounds of Bunun tribe to countries including the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Poland, and Japan. Lileh was designated as a National Preservationist of Traditional Arts by the Ministry of Culture in 2010.






Written by Yuh-Fen Tseng


對布農族人來說,最美的天籟,是祈禱上天賜下小米豐收的Pasibutbut,也就是漢人口中的「八部合音」。這類歌曲流傳於布農族郡社群、巒社群的古老部落之間,學者稱之為「祈禱小米豐收歌」或「初種小米之歌」,族人則自稱為Pasibutbut或Pasi haimu。

Pasibutbut是臺灣原住民音樂中,第一個被國際知曉的歌曲類型。日本學者黑澤隆朝曾於1943年3月25日在台東縣鳳山郡里壠山社(今台東縣海端鄉崁頂村)採錄到此曲,深受震撼,並於1952年將此曲的錄音寄至聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)所屬之國際民俗音樂協會(IFMC),引起當時知名民族音樂學者如Andre Scháeffner、Curt Sachs以及Jaap Kunst的注目。


“Pasibutbut”在布農語的意思接近 「拔河」,其聲響結構在聲部往返拉鋸之中,持續微分上揚,趨向最終的和諧。就聲部結構來看,它是一首四聲部的複音歌唱,以最高聲部微分上行的旋律線作為骨幹旋律,而下方三聲部對應著骨幹旋律依次作級進下行的複音式開展;而後,隨著音域不斷提昇,這個複音結構不斷透過「解構與重建」的過程,一次又一次地循環出現,形成如瓦片般堆疊的音樂織體,直至歌者的音域極限。


布農族過去以農耕與狩獵為生,在那個與大自然節奏變換共存共亡的年代中,族人將Pasibutbut的完滿合音作為獻給天神的祈禱,以此求得和大自然間的和諧共存。Pasibutbut歌唱形式的最終點,那個和諧而美好的音響,其實就是西方音樂理論中的「完全五度」(所謂的完全協和音程)──布農族人稱之為 “masling”,意為「美好的聲音」,並且相信這是天神Dihanin最喜悅的聲響!



The Bunun, the highest-dwelling ethnic group among the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, are distributed on both sides of the central mountain range from 500 to 1,500 meters altitude, with a population of approximately 58,823 (2018 December). The distribution range is quite wide due to the various waves of historical migration initiating since 18th century. This group of people inherits an ancient polyphonic singing with a homo-rhythmic texture which can be described as accords (Fr.) or chords(En.) polyphony from the etic, or outsider’s point of view. Among all the traditional repertoire, a musical genre called pasibutbut acclaimed to be the first Taiwan indigenous music known by the world academic circle: In 1952, Japanese scholar Kurosawa Takatomo(黑澤隆朝)sent a recording of pasibutbut which he collected in the year of 1943 at Lilongshan village of Fongshan canton in Taidong county (the Kanding village of Haiduan township in Taidong county nowadays) to IFMC (The International Folk Music Council, associated to UNESCO) and caught the attention from many distinguished scholars like Andre Scháeffner、Curt Sachs and Jaap Kunst.

Bunun Polyphonic Singing

There are two main types of improvisational mechanisms in Bunun polyphonic singing, one with the “skeletal melody” model elaborated through unique way of polyphonic singing similar to “Tuilage” (overlapping) texture, while the other, the “skeletal melody” model elaborated by the “accords” (chords) polyphonic texture. The “Tuilage” type of improvisational mechanism is only existed in Pasibutbut, a ritual prayer song for the harvest of millet crops, and it’s rather a “genre” than a “fixed song”. And for the rest of the Bunun traditional repertoire included in the genre of ritual song, nursery song and working song, drinking song and narrative song, the “accords” type of improvisational mechanism is applied.


The Bunun people can be said to be the best singers on the island of Taiwan, at least the ethnic group that is best at “accords” polyphonic singing, especially the unique genre Pasibutbut. For the Bunun people, the most beautiful music is the Pasibutbut, the prayer song for the harvest of millet, which is also known as the "eight-part polyphony" by the Han population. The word, Pasibutbut, means “tug-of-war” in Bunun. Its sound structure, or to put it more precisely, the improvisational mechanism is a recurring polyphonic structure which pulls back and forth between the different parts and continues to rise cautiously adhering to the micro-tonally upwarding top voice and eventually reach a final harmony, which the Bunun ancestors believed to be the sound that can please the Heavenly God Dihanin. Hence, they call it "masling," meaning beautiful sound.

In Bunun culture, Pasibutbut represents the path to the harmony of the universe, a musical expression that is closest to the Bunun cosmology. The special “tuilage-like” polyphonic structure that climbs up along the micro-tonal intervals further echoes the visual imagery of “crossing ridges,” turning into the core of aesthetics and sound of this creating project. Setting off from the essence of the music, that is, the path to harmony, specific meanings are given to the music narration, symbolizing and looking forward to the process of confrontation, conflict, understanding and integration between the indigenous cultures and the Han culture on this land, which eventually achieve the harmonious state of Pasibutbut.

Among the song types of Taiwanese indigenous music, Pasibutbut is first to be introduced internationally. It was officially presented at the UNESCO conference by Japanese scholar Kurosawa Takatomo in 1952.

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