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ICTM conference Taiwan: COVID-19 Update

Dear colleagues,


After careful consideration, the organizing committee has decided to postpone our ICTM study-group-in-the-making conference in Taiwan until December 2020 in light of COVID-19 developments. The organizing committee is due to meet at the end of this month to deliberate on the logistics of the postponement. We will let you know soonest what the new proposed dates are.


We have not taken this decision lightly and at all times have kept the safety and wellbeing of you, our colleagues, in mind.


In the interim we would like to re-assure you of the following:


(1) Your abstracts and conference acceptance will remain valid, so please do send us your revised abstracts (where we've asked for them) by 22nd March 2020, and continue developing your ideas and presentations for December 2020.

(2) Our sponsors remain committed to supporting our event, despite the challenging times in which we find ourselves. We are grateful for this. We are therefore pleased to say that we will still be able to support many of you in some way, should you be able to come to Taiwan in December.

(3) Given COVID-19 developments remain uncertain we continue exploring mechanisms for attending our conference remotely using modern technologies. We therefore recommend you begin preparing online presentations as well, to accommodate the smooth running of our conference, should we need to host our events on-line.


If you have any questions, updates or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


We thank you for your patience and understanding and wish you good health, safety and wellbeing in that are trying times.


The organizing committee







  1. 摘要的錄取通知仍然有效,因此,請務必在2020年3月22日之前將您的修訂摘要寄給我們(已透過信件通知您),並在2020年12月之前繼續發展您的發表內容。

  2. 儘管面臨疫情威脅,會議贊助機構仍然全力支持我們的活動,我們對此由衷感謝。 因此,若您能夠在12月來到台灣,我們仍然能夠提供一定程度的旅費補助(以個別狀況核定)。

  3. 鑑於新冠肺炎疫情發展仍充滿變數,我們將不排除引入數位科技進行遠程會議的可能性,意即,採用即使會議和視訊會議同步舉辦的形式。因此我們建議您也及早開始做網路發表的準備,以適應會議的順利進行。相關技術細節,後續將會透過信件與官網與您溝通。





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